Pivot Bio PROVEN® 40 & PROVEN® 40OS


Are you looking for ways to add value to your nitrogen program? Call Tony, Tate, or Brandon to learn more about this option we can provide!


Available for both In-Furrow or On-Seed treatment, Pivot Bio’s Proven® 40 provides a unique and highly-advanced option for your operations nitrogren management program. Proven® 40’s microbes form a symbiotic relationship with the corn plant to be able to take nitrogen from the air and create the ammonia that plants need to grow and thrive. Dependent on your operational history, with the addition of Proven® 40, you could possibly reduce your nitrogen applied by 40 units. It’s simple to use, requires no additional trips accross the field, has a lower leachability than synthetic nitrogren, and can help lower your carbon footprint.  

Available On-Seed or In-Furrow

Pivot Bio PROVEN® 40 microbes form a symbiotic relationship with the corn plant. These microbes take nitrogen from the air and create the ammonia that plants need to grow and thrive, supplying it to the plant throughout the most critical growth stages. Pivot Bio PROVEN® 40 On-Seed and In-Furrow products adhere directly to the root of the corn plant and do not run off during weather events, providing farmers with a more predictable, reliable and consistent method for delivering plant nutrition. https://www.pivotbio.com/product-proven

No Extra Application Needed

Becuase Pivot Bio’s Proven® 40 or Proven® 40os is applied on-seed or in-furrow, there’s no need for a special or additional application pass. For on-seed application, once it has been applied to the seed, you have 60 days before the treatment will no-longer be valuable. Equipment reimbursement programs might be available for in-furrow applications. 

 Lower Leachability

Pivot Bio’s Proven® 40 has been shown to have a lower leachability in comparison to other nitrogen sources. It has been shown to stay put regardless of heavy rain years or not. This is believed to be because the “microbes form a symbiotic relationship with the corn plant. These microbes take nitrogen from the air and create the ammonia that plants need to grow and thrive, supplying it to the plant throughout the most critical growth stages. Pivot Bio PROVEN® 40 On-Seed and In-Furrow products adhere directly to the root of the corn plant and do not run off during weather events, providing farmers with a more predictable, reliable and consistent method for delivering plant nutrition.” https://www.pivotbio.com/product-proven 

Because the microbes have been shown to attach to the plants root structure, the leachability of the product is greatly reduced in comparison to other nitrogen sources. According to Pivot Bio, “Proven® 40 converts atmostpheric nitrogen (N2) to NH3 directly on the roots from as early as V2 through R2 – regardless of weather.”

Lower your Carbon Footprint

It’s a great pair-up with Continuum Ag to lower and track the amount of synthetic nitrogen used on your fields and reduce your carbon index score.



Because you have the potential to lower your traditional nitrogen source by 40 units, Pivot Bio’s Proven® 40 & Proven® 40os has the ability to improve your carbon index score.

Improved Crop Health

Studies have also shown a 12% increase in biomass hwere Pivot Bio’s Proven® 40 has been applied.

Shown to reduce nitrogen necessity by 40 units!

Because of Pivot Bio’s Proven® 40 microbial activity and special technological ability to gather nitrogen from the air and create the ammonia the plants need, it has been shown the possibility of reducing traditional nitrogen sources by 40 units. Byproducts of the roots support colonization of the microbes and give the microbes energy they need to fix the atmospheric nitrogren. In accordance to Pivot Bio, no form of synthetic nitrogen is 100% available to the plant, but PROVEN® 40’s 40 units are 100% available.

 Why Pivot Bio?

We were aproached by one of our trusted advisors about Pivot Bio. As we began to familiarize ourselves with their leaders, their values, and products, we feel like Pivot Bio can provide a product that is on the cutting edge of farming. We feel like they have a value added product that could have a large impact on the future of farming.


Our team has many years of experience. Dennis Bollmeyer has been a Certified Crop Adviser for over 25 years, and Tony Ruhland has been in the industry just as long. All of our seasoned agronomists have many years of hands on experience as well as personal farming experience. They are currently farming their own acres, as well as servicing our customers! All of our team members are always seeking for better and more efficient ways to help maximize your yields.