Agronomy Look-Outs


Come here to view our team’s agronomist ideas, thoughts, concerns, & general info we are noticing or think you should be aware of!


Southern Rust HAS BEEN FOUND!

Southern Rust HAS BEEN FOUND! 

Southern Rust is a fungal disease that can seriously impact your corn yields if not managed early. Here’s what you need to know:

🔍 What to Look For:

  • Orange to Reddish-Brown Pustules on the upper leaf surface.
  • Yellowing & Premature Drying of leaves.
  • Rapid Spread in warm, humid conditions.

💡 Impact on Your Crop:

  • Reduced Photosynthesis = Less Grain Fill.
  • Weakened Plants = More Susceptible to Stress.

🛡 Protect Your Fields:

  • Scout Regularly: Early detection is key!
  • Fungicide Application: Depending on your hybrid and your planting date, it might not be too late to benefit from!

Act fast and stay vigilant to keep your corn healthy and thriving! 🌱💪

#CornFarming #SouthernRust #CropProtection #FungalDiseases #Agriculture #FarmersAlert

📞712-947-4104 | Reach out to Tony, Brandon, & Tate — they’re ready to serve!

Aphid Alert


Hey everyone, it’s time to be on the lookout for aphids—these little pests are getting worse, and they can seriously impact your crops. Here’s what you need to know:
🟢 What to Look For:
Check the underside of leaves and start counting those little green bugs. If you find 250 aphids on a plant, you’ve reached the threshold for action.
🌱 Damage Potential:
Aphids are piercing-sucking insects that feed on the sugars in your plants, affecting them all the way through the R6 stage. If you notice them lining up on the stems, like in the picture, you’re dealing with some heavy pressure.
🌡️ Ideal Conditions for Aphids:
They thrive in temperatures between 70-78°F and can reproduce every 1.3 days—so things can escalate quickly!
🍯 Signs of Severe Infestation:
As you walk through your fields, if you notice the beans are wet and sticky, that’s aphid honeydew—a sign they’ve done significant damage.
Scouting your fields regularly is key to protecting your crops. Don’t let these pests take over—stay vigilant and act fast! 💪
📞712-947-4104 | Reach out to Tony, Brandon, & Tate — they’re ready to assist!

Armyworms ATTACK

Do you have PASTURES or Alfalfa Ground?

Fall Armyworm – note Y on face and four raised bumps in the shape of a square near the end of the abdomen. Photo by Russ Ottens,

Fall Armyworms and defoliation of a cover crop. Photo by Rebecca Vittetoe.

There have been some random territories of Armyworms causing some real havoc on some producer’s pasture and alfalfa. Make sure to get out and scout your fields or give our Agronomist’s a call!


Call Tony or Gary if you have any questions or need any agronomic insights or recomendations! (712) 947-4104


Photo Credits: Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Russ Ottens, & Rebecca Vittetoe.


Alfalfa Leaf Hoppers?

Below is a picture of the initial signs of leaf hopper injury. You will notice a triangular yellow or purple discoloration at the tip of the leaves.

Beware that this is also a very common symptom of potassium deficiency or drought as well.

If you are seeing this kind of injury in your Alfalfa, to make sure it is caused by Leaf Hoppers, we need to find the presence of the leaf hopper by netting your field.

Notice the triangular yellowing at the tip of these leaves. This field was confirmed to be caused by leaf hoppers after netting them. CLICK HERE to view a more drastic discolorization.

If you need your field sprayed or have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call!

(712) 947-4104

Alfalfa Insecticides?

Today we scouted a nearby Alfalfa field & here are some of the insects to be on the lookout for! Call Tony or Gary if you need your field scouted or sprayed.

Alfalfa Weevil


Cowpea Aphid



Pea Aphid

Come on In!

in season : SUN-SAT

07 AM – 05 PM OR LATER

off season – mon-fri

07 AM – 05 PM



+(1) 712 947 4104



30585 300th ST
Hinton, IA

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